In this post we will talk about some people who have done great feats in the world, which to this day are very important.


On July 10, 1856, Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia, a man who dedicated his life to solving the mysteries of electricity and to devising how to make this phenomenon make people's lives easier.

He was an inventor of Serbian origin, nationalized American. He discovered alternating current, the polyphase electrical distribution system, and the alternating current motor, and he conceived radio. He invented the remote control, carried out studies on X-rays and their applications in medicine, created the first energy-saving lamps, established the theoretical principles of radar. His more than 700 patents were decisive for the development of later inventions such as vertical take-off aircraft, remote-controlled weapons, energy-saving lamps, alternative energies or the wireless transmission of electricity. 

One of the best known tesla inventions is the tesla coil, the tesla coil is an electrical transformer made up of several coupled resonant circuits. The inventor himself used different variants of this coil as the basis for many subsequent experiments, with which he explored new possibilities for electric lighting and wireless power transmission.

Tesla managed to create several inventions that greatly benefit humans today.


Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist who defends the right to education of girls and women, was born in Mingora (Pakistan) on July 12, 1997. At just 15 years old, the young woman was the target of a Taliban attack that almost killed her his life.

 Malala Yousafzai was born into a Sunni Muslim Pakistani family. He grew up with his parents and siblings in his hometown. In Malala's words, "her father wanted to give her every opportunity a boy would have." Ziauddin Yousafzai, poet and teacher, directed and taught at a girls' school in his village. Malala loved going to school and learning with her father and her classmates. However, in 2008 everything changed when the Taliban took control of their town.

Radical extremists, among other things, banned girls from going to school. Malala, in January of that year said goodbye to her companions. Unable to accept the fate imposed on her, Malala began to speak about the right to education in various parts of the country, despite the danger it posed. 

Yousafzai continued to write for the BBC and promote its ideals. Not a single day passed without the Pakistani not wanting to go back to school. Soon it would change his life forever. After talking about the girls' rights that had been revoked, Malala gave a public speech to get it back. This made her a target of the Taliban. 

According to what she relates, on October 9 of that year, a Taliban robbed her school bus asking who Malala was. After discovering who he was, the assailant shot him in the left side of his head. Two other girls were also hit by bullets. Due to the severity of the injuries, she was quickly airlifted to a hospital in Peshawar. There, they managed to extract the bullet and he was able to save his life.

After two years recovering, the activist moved with her family to a new house in the UK. With the help of her father, that year Malala Yousafzai's dream began to materialize with the opening of her foundation, Malala Fund. This aimed to give all girls opportunities to achieve the future they wanted. In recognition of her work, Malala Yousafzai received the Nobel Peace Prize, being the youngest person to get it. In addition, she was on the cover of Time magazine, naming her one of the 100 most influential people in the world that year.


Edmond Becquerel was a French physicist who discovered the photovoltaic effect while experimenting with a cell made of metal electrodes in a conductive solution. 

Solar panels are devices that are used for the accumulation of solar periods to later be converted intozrenewable energy. These are composed of numerous cells that are made of crystalline silicon and valium arsenide. Solar energy does not emit greenhouse gases, so it does not contribute to global warming. Solar energy does not have negative effects nor does it produce any type of pollution, not even acoustic, something that does happen with other non-renewable energies.

1: It is abundant. 
2: It is renewable. 
3: It is environmentally friendly. 
4: Reduce electricity costs. 
5: It is silent.
6: Low maintenance.

For self-consumption in a single-family home, taking into account the compensation for energy surpluses, we will need an average of 3 solar panels of 320W of power for every 2000 kWh of annual consumption.


Albert Einstein was a German physicist of Jewish origin Einstein is known for developing the theory of relativity in 1905 and what is surely the most popular equation in history: E = mc2, the equivalence between mass and energy. 

Although Einstein seemed very intelligent, actually, as a child, he was not. Einstein did not speak until he was 3 years old and that, together with his character, made even his parents wonder if that child suffered from an intellectual disability. At 4 years of age, during an illness that made him rest in bed. During the study period, Einstein did very well in physics and science, but he had problems with his language because of the "letters" then at university he had a little economic problems what he had to live with his younger sister but after much study he achieved a title of physical scientist albert enistein lived 2 world wars but that did not prevent him from achieving great discoveries. 

In 1921 he received the Nobel Prize for his contributions to theoretical physics, especially for his work on the law of the photoelectric effect. As well as his contribution to the world of physics regarding space and time, and to the equation about the speed of light with the famous relationship between mass and energy.


Anderson Said Chaves Cordero
Laura Sofia Pinto Agudelo
Arman Jhoan Farfan Uribe 
Juan David Jerez Gomez 

