New technologies have reached all aspects of our daily life. It is not an exaggeration to say that the new generations from birth have an indirect or direct contact with new technologies and that on many occasions the benefits and risks they represent are unknown.
Thus, we will teach some tips on the correct use of electronic devices, whether in outdoor or indoor environments.
-Eyes on the road and not on the chat.
It is common to observe people in the street using this device, but it can also be a danger, being to such a degree, a risk to end their life.
If we have this device outdoors, we must be very careful. If we are in our car, we put the phone aside, in order to be focused on the road and not have distractors on hand, to avoid any possibility of an accident.
-Turn on and turn on the TV.
-Smart Watches.
Modern smart watches are standalone digital devices with which you can access the Internet, listen to music, take photos and videos, write text messages, and even make calls.
These devices have become a truly indispensable gadget for athletes and people who like to play sports, because they include all the functions of fitness trackers and even more.
A smart watch, being connected wirelessly to the internet, allows you to monitor your health is very good for people who suffer from a heart problem and like to do a sport or just walk.
-Vacuum cleaner robot
It is an electronic device that has become very famous in social networks for its use inside the home, since as they say it is a robot that allows cleaning by itself and even works when we are away from home.
It fulfills several functions but certain rules must be followed so that it lasts longer or does not have problems when performing the action for which it is intended.
One is to keep the ground through which it is going to pass without obstacles, this because the robot has a sensor and it will take longer to clean if there are too many things that prevent it or even damage if it hits any of them.
We can also put things that prevent the robot from falling down high places such as stairs since this could damage them, And the last advice is to properly clean brushes and filters since if they are not in good condition the robot will not be able to clean well when the same as if we do not take out the garbage or dust that it collects after it finishes cleaning.
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