The Internet is one of the great inventions of the twentieth century, as it allows such an infinity of possibilities and benefits for society that it has become a practically inseparable issue of our day to day. The way people are informed, communicated and related has even changed, both in the case of the Network itself and of the applications and new technologies associated with it, and that facilitate its access: smartphones, tablets, social networks, WhatsApp, etc. chats, etc.

Tips for homeschooling about new technologies

1. Locate electronic devices in common areas

Placing the computer or game console in a common room with human traffic is the best way to control both the time children spend playing online and the type of content they access in a minimally invasive way. In the case of mobiles and tablets, it is recommended that children use this same location to be able to observe their actions.

2. Mark a time for the use of technology

Balance is key when planning the time children spend on technology to avoid excessive use of it. It is essential to make a balance between online leisure and other alternatives to occupy your free time such as social relationships with family and friends, sports and activities that develop your creativity.

3. Sharing time between technology and children

Knowing new technologies is an essential pillar to be able to guide children in a positive and educational use of different media. In addition, it is convenient to share the time that the little ones spend playing with these types of devices to learn about their difficulties and skills for learning in different subjects.

4. Select games adapted to their age

Each age entails a differentiated educational development that can be motivated through different types of games. In educational toys, the packaging contains more information about who the product is aimed at, but in online games there is sometimes a kind of gap. It is important for parents to select pages or applications where there are games adapted to the age of their children. There are many quality educational applications that reinforce children's skills in the most fun way.

5. Make a responsible use of technology

The learning by imitation of children makes us adults a role model for the little ones. Parents should be the first to use technology responsibly in order to set an example for their own children. Spending excessive time, using the mobile phone during the meal or performing other inappropriate actions should be prohibited actions so that children do not want to repeat them.

6. Ask about their experience with technology

The ideal is to share the use of technology with your children but in many cases, especially as they get older, it is a real headache to achieve it. At this point it is important to ask what they have been doing, how much time they have spent and what their experience has been with the different devices to stay alert.

7. Bet on educational games

It is possible that pedagogical games are sometimes not the most attractive on the market for the little ones, but they are the most recommended to be able to better develop all their functions. Introducing this type of technological toys from childhood is essential so that the little ones feel a certain inclination towards them. An example is the Moogy toy from Miniland Educational that, through its mobile application, manages to combine the real world with the digital one and stimulate both sight and speech.

8. Implement parental controls to technological devices

Parental controls are a fundamental help tool for parents in the different technological supports, especially if they are connected to the Internet. Through these programs you can limit access to certain pages and keep track of which ones are being monitored. These types of tools are a non-invasive way of limiting access to inappropriate content for children and facilitating responsible use of the online educational game.

