Mario Rigby

Mario Rigby is an adventure explorer, author, speaker, and former professional track and field athlete from Canada-Turks and Caicos Islands currently living in Toronto. Between 2015 and 2017, he completed an epic two-year walk through Africa, from Cape Town to Cairo titled Crossing Africa. Mario is an advocate for the inclusion of outdoor diversity and encourages people of color to explore the outdoors more often. Rigby leads hikes, small expeditions, and talks between major projects.

Rigby ran competitive track and field for the Turks and Caicos Islands between the ages of 14 and 26 and competed in multiple world championships and IAAF tournaments.

After finishing high school in Hamilton, he moved to London, when he was 18 years old, and attended Western University. He later moved to Toronto where he became a fitness trainer and ran his own gym in downtown Toronto: Magnus Training.

Malala Yousafzai

Fighting for your dreams is never easy, especially if you find yourself in a place where the rights to education and freedom of expression do not seem to exist. In Pakistan, where Malala Yousafzai was born, education for women is restricted and the population lives at the mercy of terrorism. Despite this, Malala decided not to shut up. Through a blog, he protested against the injustices he saw, not caring that it put his life at risk. Fighting for justice became his goal for him.

At the age of 15, Malala was the victim of a Taliban attack, from which she barely survived. As a result of this, he had to leave his country and moved to England. Two years later, he became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Today, she continues to fight for women's rights to education. His bravery of her is, without a doubt, worthy of admiration.

Frida Khalo

(Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo; Coyoacán, México, 1907 - id., 1954) Mexican painter. Although she moved in the environment of the great Mexican muralists of her time and shared their ideals, Frida Kahlo created an absolutely personal, naive and deeply metaphorical painting at the same time, derived from her exalted sensitivity and from various events that marked her life.

What did Frida kahlo do?

made herself a mystical character that does justice to the magical realism with which her art was branded, a product of the unique person that encompasses the image of Mexican femininity during the time. Being a figure that stood out among the women of her time, Frida changed paradigms in society, opposing the standards of modernity, while with her dress she changed her way of life and through her art she changed the way the world and Mexico. they would understand each other.

Frida and surrealism

The dreamlike appearance of her images fostered the relationship of her symbolism with surrealism, something that Frida Kahlo would flatly deny: "I was taken for a surrealist. This is not correct, I have never painted dreams, what I have represented was my reality. . "

But Frida not only rejected the surrealist character of her painting, but also professed a deep aversion to the representatives of the movement. He had met Breton in Mexico in 1938 and the following year, on the eve of the Second World War, he spent several months in Paris, where he had the opportunity to come into contact with the other Surrealists. The opinion they deserved was expressed without restraint in a letter he wrote from there to Nicolas Muray: "You can't imagine how fucking these people are; they make me vomit. They are so damned intellectual and degenerate, I can't take them anymore."

              Collin O'bradly               

Colin O’Brady is a world record holding explorer and one of the world’s best endurance athletes. Colin is regarded as a foremost expert on mindset, a highly sought after public speaker, and a New York Times bestselling author. He isn’t your typical adventurer despite his unmatched athletic accomplishments - a world first solo crossing of Antarctica, a world first row across Drake Passage, summiting Mt. Everest, and setting three prestigious mountaineering world records - and he has done it all after overcoming a devastating accident to prove that anything is possible.

Colin continues to pursue his passion for pushing his limits, while speaking to audiences large and small, encouraging others to do the same. His next adventures are on the horizon, and his commitment to doing good remains.

made by: alejandra meza, juan martínez, juan vargas y julio sánchez
