Travel to Maldives!

Maldives is a tropical country in the Indian Ocean, south of India, comprising more than 1,000 coral islands distributed in 26 magnificent atolls, coral structures separated by lagoons. It is known for the beaches, blue lagoons, and extensive reefs.


In the capital, Malé, there is the Hukuru Miskiiy mosque built in the seventeenth century, made of carved white coral, it is a marvelous heritage.


They say that the first impression is what counts, when arriving in the Maldives is to be able to appreciate from the plane, on a clear day, the marine fauna, the views of these natural paradises with incredibly transparent waters is a moment that has no comparison.

 Find a hammock and observe the sea, something so simple but at the same time so extraordinary, reclining in a comfortable hammock hanging from two palm trees and admiring the immensity of the sea, waters so clear and bright that you can see through the waves are one of the main things to do in the Maldives.

Try the Mashuni, a typical dish of the region. The culture of the Maldives has Indian, African, Arab, Indonesian, Persian influences, among others, its gastronomy includes the dishes of those cultures, although with a distinctive sweet taste, due to the use of coconut. Mashuni is a tuna salad accompanied by coconut, chili, lemon, and onion, eaten with bread, roshi, or Sinhalese.

Although the idea of fishing may seem boring, trying it in the light of the moon is to see at some point the water starting to shine, it is a peculiar phenomenon, the luminescent phytoplankton or bioluminescence of the sea, which produces a fluorescent light when shake.

Diving is an adventure, its location in the middle of the Indian Ocean, far from the continental coast and pollution, provides clear and clean waters, an aquarium full of life with great peculiarities to see, and even swim with them.

Staying at Conrad Maldives and Subsix at Niyama hotels, these are underwater hotels, which are also home to many whale sharks, dolphins and turtles; which are also winners of several world-renowned awards, for their beauty and unique exotic appearance. In some of them, within which there are a total of 56 islands, covering up to 23 kilometers from East to West, while from North to South, it reaches another 38 kilometers.

The coral reefs protect the lagoon that surrounds the island, as part of the reef conservation effort, the Coral Adoption Program, a long-term project, was started. It consists of tourists collecting fragments of broken coral, which they can plant in a nursery and keep up to date with their progress with photographs or future visits, until the coral is large enough to be staked on its reef.

Alberto: Hi Silvia, how have you been?
Silvia: Hi, very good, wanting to travel to an island
Alberto: mmm interesting, and you know which one?
Silvia: no, I haven't been chosen yet
Alberto: oh, have you heard about the Maldives island?
Silvia: from the maldives island? not
Alberto: it is an island that is in the Indian ocean
Silvia: in india?
Alberto: yes, south of india
Silvia: are there any recommended hotels to stay?
Alberto: of course, he actually has several hotels under the water, and a spa and a restaurant
Silvia: wow, I've always wanted to see below the ocean at night
Alberto: in fact at night you can also see the ocean light up
Silvia: light up? in that way
Alberto: yes, in the Maldives in the sea in the light of the moon there is a bioluminescence in the sea, which makes it see with fluorescent lights
Silvia: oh it sounds incredible
Alberto: yes, not counting all the marine species and activities you can do
Silvia: you convinced me to go, I'm going to plan the trip to visit that island on vacation
Alberto: good, I'll see if I can accompany you, I also want to go
Silvia: well, I'll go to quote the trip and I'll tell you
Alberto: okay, I'll be attentive
Silvia: good, see you soon
Alberto: bye
