Should we be concerned about technological advancements?
Mariana: Luna, have you heard about 5G?
Luna: Yes! I was researching this because several people seemed
concerned about it, but it’s just a new generation of network and with it
everything will be much faster, with this update we will be able to download
movies in a matter of seconds.
Mariana: I saw some tweets on Twitter about how this could affect
people's health, due to the electromagnetic fields of wireless networks.
Luna: The WHO did a study in 2006 where it was shown that it doesn’t
really affect health.
Mariana: Really? That makes me feel a little calmer. I have seen too
many movies in which technology destroys the human.
Luna: I think you are a little paranoid, and it’s normal, but if you
educate yourself about these issues you will realize that progress isn’t bad.
Mariana: But not everything that the future brings us is good, for
example, in the future there could be all kinds of robots that do the work of
humans more efficiently, I recently saw that in the future robots will be able
to do surgeries and that would take the job of surgeons not to mention the
environmental impact we are causing
Luna: Experts have said that robots cannot take away all our jobs, as they can predict, but they lack the most important thing: consciousness. And in the case that you give, a human is also necessary because it’s the surgeon who would control what the robot does.
Mariana: You're right, but what about the environmental impact?
Climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity and according to experts
if we don't stop it in 5 years it will be irreversible. In the worst probable
scenarios that the experts reflect, the increase in temperature could reach 4.8°C by the end of the century.
Luna: Well we should all be concerned about it because it’s a
serious problem, but the solution isn’t to avoid technological progress. The
common population can only do simple things like turn off the light and reduce
garbage, but in reality we are in the hands of large companies.
Mariana Santamaria y Luna Colmenares
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