David Morales: D
Juan Serrato: S
D: Hey man, wasap.
S: Fine bro.
D: The other day
I played CoD AW it looked very futuristic.
S: Yes, it's a
good game, did you notice what exoskeletons are like?
D: Yes, they
looked quite useful, they gave a lot of protection and strength to the wearers.
S: Yes, I
recently read a study article about creating exoskeletons to help disabled
D: Yes, I
recently read that the Hyundai company has created an exoskeleton suit that
allows a person to lift heavy objects and that can easily carry them from one
place to another.
S: I also saw
that in a documentary, that governments plan to develop their own exoskeletons,
mostly for the military.
D: I hope that in
a few years, they can also be used daily.
S: Yes, articles say that they will be available to all public in the year 2050
D: Well let's play.
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